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Do you notice your inner compass to live and work by?

Claudia | Photo © John Mcdermott

Our world is moving fast, and we often get pushed through it with little time for reflecting,

pausing or breathing. Do you enjoy that? Or do you just go with the flow of these hectic times?

We act, we decide, we move to satisfy our current needs without much thinking about it. And while deciding and reacting we forget what is important to us, we don’t realize what we feel or lose sight of our visions and ideals.

How come?

Too many distractions, stimulations, and noise around us. Can you still hear your own thoughts or inner voice? What is your voice, your instinct, your gut feeling, your insights perhaps telling you – and you are not listening to it.

Too many choices, endless possibilities. What cereal to buy? What field of study to pick? Where to travel to? Which social channel to promote the business on? How do you decide? Based on what? If we have too many choices to make we experience decision fatigue. We get lazy and just stay in our comfort zone instead of expanding our horizons.

Too many short-term gratifications. We are drowning in Likes-fishing, quick-buys, instant-photo views, and you can have it all and right now attitude.

Does this satisfy you in the long run? Are you aware of the long-term impact of your choices, clicks, and chases? We often don’t want to take the time to reflect on that.

And then it just happens. You forget about the inner compass you would want to refer to when making decisions and selections.

But you neglect it. Because everything and everyone around you is constantly pushing and shouting, demanding, and pressuring.

Self-awareness is key

Here is how we can help ourselves: Become aware of your values.

Do you have a direction and inner compass to live and work by?

If so, always keep it with you. Let not the noise guide you but your compass.

Most of us go through life with a general sense of who we are. For many people and in a lot of circumstances, that can be enough. What is YOUR enough?

Understanding your purpose, principles and values are the first steps that serve to guide you when deciding on what you want to do, say or react to, and who you want to give your time and energy.

What are your values and visions?

What values do you appreciate and are important to you?

Keep an eye on yourself, perceive what is going on inside you, don't be indifferent to yourself. Start being interested in yourself, take care of the "self" inside of you, nourish it.

Living ten thousand kilometers away in San Francisco didn't keep me from going back home to Germany regularly to see my family and friends, with who I always stay in close touch no matter where I live. Because nurturing friendships and caring for relationships has a high value in my life. This requires a work-life that allows me to travel whenever I want or need to and to be able to continue working while traveling.

Are you aware of your values and principles?

You can also start by developing for example a personal philosophy. This can be a word or phrase that expresses your basic beliefs and values. This can be your compass, guiding your decisions, actions, and thoughts.

Focus on your values and what matters most to you when you move through your day and working hours.

Your core values are your anchor and you want to build your business, work, and life around your values.


P.S. If you are interested in how 16 entrepreneurs, coaches, solopreneurs have found or re-defined their values in their lives and careers check out their new book “Enough. Unlock a life of abundance starting right where you are.” I am proud to be part of this group of 16 wonderful people who crafted this book together.

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