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All my life I loved to listen and to get inspired by conversations, cool people, books, and my travels, and collected my insights and thoughts in hundreds of journals.

Moving from Europe to Japan to California and back to Europe I worked, read, studied, and wrote in different cultures and languages and often wondered about people's perceptions of themselves and their work lives and life lives.

So, I started to write articles, blog posts, newsletters, and a book to inspire people to pay attention to their mindset, thinking, and outlook on life.

I wholeheartedly believe the quality of attention we give to ourselves, to our loved ones, and our surroundings determine the quality of our lives.

For this, we need to slow down, turn the volume down, and find perspective and time for reflection.


It is an ongoing process and has become my lifestyle. And people feel inspired.

I want to make you think and expose you to new ideas.



Hey! I am Claudia


Basically, I’m a series of opposites.


I've always been the quiet type but with adventurous ideas in my head.


I think in pictures but express myself in words.


I notice details but explain the bigger picture.


I look at life with an “as-well-as” attitude rather than “either-or”.


Here is what I  love to do: think, write, and research. Create events and initiate projects. All of this with a focus on the question “can we slow down and resist a hurried world while still moving forward?”


No doubt that I am also an undeniable optimist, crazy about everything Japanese, obsessed with the outdoors and a world traveler.


Since my studies in business administration and later when working in marketing, small business management and nonprofit leadership in Germany and the USA, the world tried to convince me that polar opposites are limiting, and that career people thrive to be “either this or that”. I refuse to accept that you cannot be both caring as well as being tough.


Allegedly the decisive forces of a successful life and career are statistics instead of people, role plays instead of authenticity, power games instead of cooperation, extraversion instead of introversion and speed instead of depth.  


I always resisted this attitude.


All roads lead to Rome. Or to yourself.

My journey…


My path led me from Cologne to Tokyo, via San Francisco to the northern Italian Dolomites.


Opposites, it turns out, make for an enriched and holistic approach to life and work.


Living for two years in Japan I experienced how dedication and focus on your task or profession makes you a master. Fascinated by Japanese martial arts, I have trained various styles all my life and learned to appreciate the harmony of apparent opposites. Being aware of yourself while at the same time perceiving your surroundings allows you to be ahead of the game.


The world seemed to be wired differently in California. With all my love, admiration and gratitude I have for San Francisco, my fourteen years living in the city by the bay left me often wondering about people's perception of themselves and their working life.


The extrovert is successful, the introvert is belittled. Being loud in meetings and marketing trumps quietness and prudence. Everyone has a shrink, but nobody knows themselves. Better to rush than wait, rather steep successes than deep relationships. That's the vibe in San Francisco.


Today I live with my Irish-American, Italian speaking husband John between a German speaking state of Northern Italy and Cologne, Germany. We spend our days trilingual, writing, researching, photographing, project and event planning. We love traveling and visiting regularly our friends who are scattered all over the world.

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